BR1:Creative and Culture Representations
RLG234H1 Language and Religion
LINA01 Introduction to Linguistics
EAS110Y Modern Standard Korean
CHI100 Introductory Chinese1(中国人不能上)
SDS279 Queer Popular culture
BR2:Thought,Belief,and Behaviour
PHL245/246H1 Modern Symbolic Logic
HPS100 Intro to history and philosophy of science technology
RLG200 The study of religion
BR3:Society and its Institutions
ENT200H1 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
NEW106 science,health and social justice
GGR124H1 Cities and Urban Life
BR4:Living Things and Their Environment
RLG233 Religion and Popular culture
PCL102 the art of drug discovery
ENV200H1 Assessing Global Change: Science and the Environment
BR5:The Physical and Mathematical Universe
CSC104H1 Computational Thinking
PHY100 The magic of physics
AST101H1 The Sun and Its Neighbours
ESS103H1 Geology in Public Lssues
学生必须至少在五大类BR中完成4个完整学分课程Full Course Equivalents以下方案:
选择BR1-5中的任意四个BR类别,各类别至少修满一个学分(1.0 credit)1+1+1+1=4(4种BR各1.0 credit)
选择BR1-5中的全部五个BR类别,其中任意三个类别至少各修满一个学分(1.0 credit),其他两个类别至少各修满半个学分(0.5 credit)1+1+1+0.5+0.5=4(3种BR各1.0 credit,2种BR各0.5 credit)